Give to MHEFI (the Easy Way) this Holiday Season with iGive

By Alex Batty, MHI Marketing Communications Coordinator |@mhi_alex

‘Tis the holiday season.

I can use ’tis again unironically, which is always awesome in my book.

But during the holidays, especially around Thanksgiving, people start thinking about giving to others. You’re supposed to. Thanksgiving, however problematically it may have started, has evolved to mean taking stock of what you have and being grateful. And then giving to others when you realize it could be much, much worse.

But humans are lazy. (I’m guilty of it too.)

So here’s a super easy way to give back… and it’s while you’re doing something you’re already doing!

When you shop using the iGive button at any of their partner stores, the stores automatically donate a percentage of your purchases to the cause your button is paired with.

In this case, material handling education. iGive is a free and easy way to donate to the Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. (MHEFI) as you do your holiday shopping. Go to and download the iGive button to all of your devices. Shop online at any of the 1,822 socially-responsible stores, and the stores automatically donate a percentage of your purchases to MHEFI when you use the iGive button. Please share this with your family and friends. Every little bit helps.

Happy Holidays and eat way too much turkey. It’s encouraged.
