Judy Hoberman to Speak at Women in the Supply Chain Industry Forum
Do women have to act like men to be great leaders? Judy Hoberman, President of Selling In A Skirt argues differently. On April 4th at ProMat 2017, Judy will present at the Women in the Supply Chain Industry Forum as part of an afternoon of discussion, education and networking for women in our industry. Judy Hoberman’s workshop, titled “Equal Not Identical”, will speak on female leadership styles and what women can do to become better leaders.
Equal Not Identical
Speaker: Judy Hoberman
About Judy Hoberman
Judy’s experience includes being an award winning, accomplished Corporate Training Director with extensive experience in training, course development and project management. She was personally selected by the President and CEO of a large insurance company to move to Dallas to bring her talent in training to their corporate office and share it with over 100 offices in 44 states showing over 3000 agents how to break the mystery of the sales process into manageable pieces and create an authentic selling system. She is working with companies helping with their diversity and women’s initiatives in the areas of recruiting, training, coaching, mentoring and retaining.
Facts and Awards
– Awarded the Character and Integrity Award
– Finalist in the Women of Visionary Influence Mentor of the Year
– Author of “Selling In A Skirt”, “Famous Isn’t Enough” and “Pure Wealth”
– Host of a weekly radio show on The Women 4 Women Network/iHeart Radio called Selling In A Skirt and is also featured as “The Gender Expert” on Fox News Radio
Judy’s mission is to help women live the S.K.I.R.T. philosophy – Standing Out, Keys to Success, Inspiring Others, Results Oriented and Time Management…all while having fun.
More About the Women in the Supply Chain Industry Forum
Tuesday, April 4 | 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm
The Women in the Supply Chain Industry Forum is brought to you by MHI, MHEDA (Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association) and AWESOME (Achieving Women’s Excellence in Supply Chain Operations, Management and Education). Join your peers for this interactive event to address common issues faced by women in the supply chain industry today. Purchase tickets today!