Maximizing Efficiency with the 2024 DC Measures Report

Helping you thrive is at the heart of the 2024 DC Measures Report. Newly released by WERC, this report is a powerful resource that enables warehousing and distribution professionals to accurately benchmark their operations.

DC Measures Offers 38 Key Metrics

The DC Measures Report clearly defines 38 metrics that you can use to benchmark your operations, including:

• On-time shipments
• Dock-to-stock cycle time
• Order fill time
• Order-picking accuracy
• Annual workforce turnover

The data used in the DC Measures report is derived from a survey of distribution logistics professionals. In 2024, the largest group of participants came from the manufacturing sector. More than a quarter of the total respondents worked for companies that made more than $1 billion in annual sales. However, the report is not just for Goliath industry players; participation from employees of companies with annual sales below $100 million significantly increased this year, making the insights valuable for organizations of all sizes.

Focus on Technology

For 2024 the DC Measures Report features a special report on the ever-expanding role of technology. Anyone working in a DC knows that technological innovation is rampant, but determining which technology to invest in can be challenging.  This special report explores where DC managers are currently utilizing technology the most, as well as which technologies they expect to adopt in the future.

Gain Access to Digital Benchmarking Tool

In addition to the DC Measures Report, WERC offers an Online DC Measures Benchmarking Tool. Consisting of data from 2013, the tool lets you create benchmarking reports tailored to your internal needs. A 1-year subscription to this cutting edge tool is available through WERC.  Or you can save on the tool by joining WERC – a professional organization that delivers unparalleled learning and networking experiences to warehousing and distribution professionals.
