MHI CEO Update Series – Episode 1: Reflecting on Past and Future Events

As part of MHI’s ongoing video program, this new episode focuses on: MHI CEO Update Series – Episode 1: Reflecting on Past and Future Events

Welcome to the CEO update series, produced for members of MHI, so you can stay on top of what’s happening now and what’s on the horizon.

In this video, MHI View sat down with George Prest to reflex on some of the goals MHI is working toward in 2018 and 2019. Winding down from MODEX 2018, one of the key theme was creating member value through events. Learn more about how MHI plans to continue to bring member value everyday. View full video.

MHI view episodes also focus on the following supply chain technologies:
–Inventory and network optimization tools
–Sensors and automatic identification
–Cloud computing and storage
–Robotics and automation
–Predictive analytics
-Wearable and mobile technology
-3D Printing

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