New Exclusive Member Benefit: Trend Hunter Reports

MHI and WERC have partnered with Trend Hunter, the world’s #1 largest, most powerful trend platform. Trend Hunter’s team of skilled Researchers and Futurists leverage its team of over 269,000 Hunters and AI to develop the Custom Trend Reports.

These reports are an exclusive benefit of your membership! They are designed to provide you and your teams, hand-selected research related to transformative thinking, technologies and trends that impact our industry.

The first report recently released in February 2021, E-Commerce Report, takes a look at what’s new in the e-commerce space, balancing between B2C and B2B innovations. When it comes to what’s new around e-commerce from Trend Hunter’s perspective, we see the following key themes emerge:

– Technology to help improve automation and push streamlined processes
– Live, interactive consumer experiences to boost engagement
– Supportive tactics for both consumers and businesses themselves

We hope the insights found in these reports will inspire and support a culture of innovation in your company. As you review the reports, ask yourself what these trends and innovations could mean to your organization, customers and your teams!

Pro tip: Never miss a Trend Hunter report by downloading the My MHI mobile app exclusively for MHI Members.  

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