New Trend Hunter Report on DEI

A new Trend Hunter report on DEI is now available exclusively for MHI members. This report explores trends related to diversity, equity and inclusion, paying particular focus to developments related to business and workplace settings, employees and internal initiatives. It also highlights some additional areas related to branded initiatives, community support and more.

Key takeaways:

  • More accessible and diverse recruitment practices to attract talent
  • Platforms and initiatives that support marginalized communities, POC and women
  • Internal programs and initiatives that support individuality and lifestyle — related to everything from health and wellness to growth and development and financial support

You can also access the following 2021 Trend Hunter reports available to you.

June 2021 Topic: AI Across Industries
May 2021 Topic: Remote Work Culture
February 2021 Topic: E-Commerce

MHI strives to provide member with the resources they need to navigate the changing business landscape. To learn more about MHI Member Resources, visit
