Not Your Grandfather’s Industry: Manufacturing and Millennials

Guest Blog by: Morgan Williams, Marketing Design Coordinator for MHI member Westfalia Technologies, Inc. 

Over the past few decades, the American perception of the manufacturing industry has diminished. This results from the prevalence of factory closures, staff layoffs and the disappearance of American-made products from store shelves. However, the U.S. manufacturing industry is showing signs of growth and an increase in job openings. Now, the industry is addressing common misconceptions about manufacturing jobs in an effort to combat challenges and educate future generations.

Today’s manufacturers have an opportunity to open their doors, promote job opportunities and show the public what their industry has to offer. For example, according to the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International, manufacturers have the highest job tenure in the private sector. In fact, the average salary of manufacturing workers is more than $77,000.

The difference is now the skillsets have changed. Many of today’s factory jobs involve operating, maintaining and programming the machinery that has taken the place of manual labor. These jobs require highly skilled workers, often with some type of higher education or a technical degree. However, according to the Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte’s report, “The Skills Gap in U.S. Manufacturing 2015 and Beyond,” interest in the field is dwindling and American manufacturers could face a deficit of as many as 2 million workers over the next decade.

Although companies within the manufacturing industry work hard to develop their workforce, they must recruit faster, smarter and harder – targeting the next generation of workers in order to keep up with demand and future growth. According to a recent analysis of the U.S. Census, more than one in three American workers are Millennials, or adults ages 18-34. And, this year, Millennials surpassed Generation X to make up the largest share of the American workforce. This demographic is filled with computer-savvy multi-taskers who are willing to work together on a team – key traits needed as the manufacturing industry turns to automation.

There is a common misconception that manufacturing jobs will be eliminated due to the growing popularity of warehouse automation, particularly automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) due to their operational efficiencies. While it is true that some jobs may be eliminated due to the nature of these systems, skilled workers are still needed in other capacities to help the company.

With the Millennial workforce increasing and the high-tech functionality automation provides, there are numerous opportunities for workforce growth, development and education. By working together, manufacturers can begin to revive the public image of the industry, address the skilled labor shortage, connect with future generations and ensure ongoing success.

In the end, the right automation technology paired with the right workers will position companies for success and uphold their staying power in a competitive marketplace.
