Canvass Committee Members Requested for Monorail Cranes Standards

by Patrick Davison, Director of Standards, MHI | @mhi_pat 

MHI is soliciting volunteers to serve on a Canvass committee to update two ANSI National Standards that were last updated in 2009:

  • BSR MH27.1-201X, Patented Track Underhung Cranes; and
  • BSR MH27.2-201X, Enclosed Track Underhung Cranes.

In order to move forward we need to build a Canvass list of persons materially interested in the subject.  Ideally, we would have three or more potential reviewers from among the following categories of interest:

–Manufacturer (of the product[s] in question) – this can include someone from your own company;
–General Interest – usually these will be consultants, independent engineers, etc.;
–Users – end users of monorail cranes
–Associations – trade association members, such as crane or hoist manufacturers associations, or other trade associations not associated with MHI; and

While it is not necessary to have a reviewer in each group, it is imperative we have a balanced list – i.e. no one interest category should have more than 1/3 of the total list.

Canvass members will be provided with copies of the draft standard and will be asked to review and provide a ballot on whether the standards are acceptable.  They will also be given the opportunity to provide comments on improvements to the standard that will be considered by the committee.  Canvass members will be given 30 days to complete their assignment.  As a rough estimate, we could anticipate about four hours of time would need to be dedicated to each standard.  There is no requirement to meet, travel, or participate on teleconferences as part of the process.

Those interested in joining the Canvass committee should contact Patrick Davison, MHI Director of Standards at  In your correspondence, please include a brief summary of your credentials or interest in the project and identify which interest category best suits your interest.
