Workers using the SoterCoach wearable devices that encourage safe ergonomics on the job get a chance to rate the technology after every shift—smiley face for good, frowny face for bad.

Typically, feedback scores average 70-80% neutral or positive, and up to 20% negative, but vary widely from one company to the next. The feedback depends largely on how well the employer prepared for and rolled out the safety technology to employees.

“I think a lot of it does come down to culture,” says Heather Chapman, spokesperson for Soter Analytics. “The organization’s safety culture overall plays a big role in how people adopt and accept this type of technology.”

The reality facing companies introducing new technology in the name of enhancing worker safety is that even the most gee-whiz solution won’t fulfill its potential without the right approach to implementation. Setting the right tone for implementation and minimizing any fears employees might have is critical to success…

Read the full article in MHI Solutions Magazine