Safety Tools an Important Trend on the Loading Docks
Article from MHI Solutions Magazine
The loading dock is a flashpoint for safety, with approximately 25% of warehouse accidents happening in the space, according to OSHA. That makes it essential for the material handling industry and every organization with a loading dock to prioritize loading dock safety.
“It’s important for us to do what we can to prevent those accidents and make the loading dock as safe as possible,” said Brett Lindstrom, director of marketing and connected experience for MHI member Systems Loading Dock Equipment and vice chairman of LODEM, MHI’s Industry Group for suppliers of loading dock equipment.
Adding to the safety challenges of the past, Gerard Biasutto, director of product management for MHI member Blue Giant Equipment Corporation and chairman of LODEM, noted that 24/7 transportation and delivery is leading to greater wear and tear on equipment and falling routine maintenance…
Read the full article in MHI Solutions Magazine