Post by Rack Manufactures Institute (RMI) As more operations add pick modules, rack supported platforms, and elevated work platforms to increase the throughput and capacity of their picking zones, facility owners need to be aware of safety requirements for fall […]
by RMI (Rack Manufacturers Institute) Everything moves when an earthquake occurs. That includes the ground, the walls and support columns within a warehouse or distribution center, and the storage rack systems installed inside those structures. To minimize the risk of […]
Article from MHI Industry Group, RMI Whether you own an industrial steel storage rack system — or are considering investing in one — ownership comes with a variety of responsibilities. These include ensuring the structure is in compliance with applicable […]
by MHI Industry Group, Rack Manufacturers Institute Drive-in rack, engineered for highly dense storage of multiple pallets of uniform product, delivers space savings by eliminating multiple travel and access aisles. Loaded and unloaded by counterbalanced forklifts that elevate each load […]
by MHI Industry Group, RMI (Rack Manufacturing Institute) Steel is steel is steel—right? Wrong. And making that assumption when evaluating potential rack suppliers could lead to a system failure if the manufacturer uses a steel formulation that is not compatible […]
by MHI Industry Group, RMI (Rack Manufacturing Institute) Although industrial storage rack systems are specifically designed and engineered to support a given type of pallet and load, simply placing the approved pallet into a storage position isn’t enough to ensure […]