May 6-10, 2019 Did you know that 366 of 971 construction fatalities recorded in 2017 were caused by falls from elevation? The National Safety Stand-Down believes those deaths were preventable and are raising “fall hazard” awareness across the country. What […]
By MHI Industry Group, RMI (Rack Manufactures Institute) As RMI’s representative on the National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 13 committee that’s tasked with the creation and revision of national standards specific to the safe design of sprinkler systems, member Gary […]
Content was pulled from MHI Solutions Magazine Q4.2018 A record high of 1,579 data breaches occurred in 2017—a 44.7 percent increase over 2016—with the business category topping the list for the third year in a row at 55 percent of […]
By MHI Industry Group, RMI (Rack Manufactures Institute) Storage racks designed to RMI’s ANSI MH16.1-2012: Specification for the Design, Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel Storage Racks provide excellent load-carrying properties, and will last for many years—or even decades—when properly […]