The Importance of Cultural Intelligence in Supply Chain Careers

by Morgan Cruz, Marketing Content Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_morgan

What is cultural intelligence?

Cultural intelligence refers to an individual’s ability to adapt across cultures and collaborate effectively through an intuitive awareness of different values, beliefs, and body language. Those who have a high cultural intelligence do not quickly judge or assume stereotypes. According to researchers, Soon Ang and Linn Van Dyne, cultural intelligence can be measured through assessments that test one’s CQ or cultural quotient. Those with a high CQ are thought to perform well in multicultural settings, make informed decisions and use observation and empathy to understand diverse behaviors.

How is cultural intelligence valued in the supply chain?

Cultural intelligence plays an important role in supply chain management especially when expanding into emerging markets and coordinating logistics overseas. According to the Sourcing Journal (SJ),In the next decade, 70 to 75 percent of global consumer growth will come from emerging markets, with China and India leading the way.” Companies operating in these emerging markets face challenges dealing with local laws, customs, and working cultures. A professional with high cultural intelligence will better manage and network with the local community not to mention, have informed direction on how to establish a successful business in a new environment.

How to obtain cultural intelligence to prepare for a supply chain career.

Professionals who are bilingual/multilingual and have international experience will find more career opportunities available. Study abroad programs are regularly offered in U.S. college and high schools. This is a great way for students to practice a new language, experience a different culture and develop adaptation skills. Other excellent ways to increase cultural intelligence are mission trips and volunteer opportunities with the Peace Corps and other organizations.

Network with companies and professionals that work in your area of interest and ask about possible internship roles. Visit MHI’s ProMat 2015 coming in March for a chance to see our international exhibitors and network with expert manufacturing and supply chain professionals. Check out and find what’s next!
