Tour Atlanta Area Facilities at MODEX 2018
We’re working hard to keep you informed about all the stuff you can do and see at MODEX. Because there’s a lot.
For example, we work very hard to not only make it a traditional trade show experience, where you can find the solutions to futureproof your business (see how I slid that in there… so slick… I’m a marketing master). But we also like to provide educational experiences throughout the show, because “once you stop learning you start dying” – Albert Einstein (apparently).
In addition to our big events like keynotes, we’re also offering Atlanta area facility tours, where you’ll be able to tour leading manufacturing and distribution centers in the Atlanta area. Tours will be conducted Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Departure is from the Georgia World Congress Center at 7 am with a return by 11 am so you can still get back to the show floor and keynotes. Seating is limited on a first-come first-served basis. Tour cost is $50.
You can register for the facility tours at Learn more about other educational opportunities at MODEX 2018 by staying tuned to this blog or by visiting
MODEX is the largest manufacturing and supply chain expo held in North America and South America. The event will be held April 9-12, 2018 at Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center.
For more information on exhibiting or attending MODEX, visit