Young Professionals and Retirement

Retirement seems like a very, very long time from now if you are a young professional. In fact, it seems like you don’t have to worry about it at all. You can put off saving and have fun right now. Well, unfortunately, with the way things are going – that isn’t true. Social Security is on the brink and it won’t be a guarantee when it is time to retire. Also, companies don’t offer the pension plans like they did back in the day.

Bottom line is – no one is looking out for you but you anymore! So, it is time to start saving. Even if it means the bare minimum – you will be glad you did it when the time comes.

Check out this cool calculator retirement tool from CNN Money that lets you see if you are on track to have enough money to retire by the age you would like. Looks like I need to listen to my own advice and start saving more!
