Find Your Supply Chain Digital Consciousness Index

For those of you who don’t know, we, in conjunction with Deloitte, release an Annual Industry Report at the trade show every year. This year’s report was titled Elevating Supply Chain Digital Consciousness and talked about the ways supply chain is going more digital–more artificially intelligent–and how supply chain leaders can be more conscious of adapting to the workplace of the future.

As a part of this report, we developed a Supply Chain Digital Consciousness Index (DCI), a tool to help companies understand their current level of digital adoption and then identify gaps and next steps to boost digital consciousness and supply chain performance by measuring where they are on their digital adoption journey. Since we’re talking about digital supply chains, we also made a digital version of the DCI, which you can access for free at

Four Stages of Digital Adoption and the Supply Chain DCI

The 2019 MHI Annual Report defined a pyramid of digital adoption that has four technology stages, starting with the collection of data through digital connectivity, and then moving up the pyramid to generate increasing supply chain value and insights from that base data through automation, advanced analytics, and ultimately artificial intelligence.

The Supply Chain Digital Consciousness framework characterizes a supply chain on four levels of awareness – from dormant to elevated – and across five digital categories. The five digital categories span all dimensions of supply chains, from leadership, talent development and workplace culture, to technology and innovation adoption, to customer experience.

The Supply Chain DCI quantifies the current level of supply chain digital consciousness, as well as measures progress made toward desired end-state. It helps firms determine the current state of their digital consciousness, determine and prioritize gaps in order to develop a comprehensive strategy for digital consciousness that meets their unique business goals.

The Supply Chain DCI assessment tool can be found at The 2019 MHI Annual Industry Report can be downloaded at
