Target Sees Record Growth for Online Black Friday Sales

Amazon broke its own record when Cyber Monday 2017 became the biggest single shopping day worldwide for the company. You can get into deeper details on that from the Forbes article here, but the sales also helped small businesses, not just industry juggernauts, through exposure on the site.

But Amazon isn’t the only one that benefited from online Black Friday (or Turkey 5 as the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend is sometimes called). Target announced that it grew an “astonishing” 44 percent for its online sales over the shopping period. This outpaced Amazon; and they’re not the only ones who saw the growth. Best Buy, Apple, Walmart, and of course Amazon, all announced gains between 19 and 25 percent. Forbes is also predicting that Walmart may beat Amazon due to a new “smart-pricing” strategy.

Amazon still wins at sheer sales volume online, but as competitors revamp their websites and online ordering process, they are seeing results. Black Friday is seeing increased online traffic as compared to the traditional Cyber Monday, but online shopping with quick delivery and flexible options is certainly becoming the norm.

Of course, to keep up, they are moving to next-generation supply chains: those that are digital, on-demand and always-on.

