All posts in Sustainability

Prioritizing Safety in Lithium-Ion Battery Expansion

Article from MHI Solutions Magazine When energy is involved, safety is always a major point of emphasis, particularly in the material handling field. Founded in 2023, the Advanced Energy Council (AEC) is an industry group within MHI that represents companies […]

MHI Offering Sustainability Training to Members

As part of our ongoing commitment to supply chain sustainability, MHI has partnered with Supplier LOCT (Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition) to offer MHI members educational opportunities that align with current global sustainability protocols, standards, and pledges.  Supplier LOCT is […]

Supply Chain Sustainability Remains Top Priority

Article from MHI Solutions Critical sustainability developments have occurred this year for companies in the supply chain, logistics and material handling industries. At the top of the list is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule on emissions, which after […]

Download These Future-Focused Supply Chain Podcasts

Interviewing leaders at the forefront of the supply chain, our MHIcast follows the latest trends and technologies in the supply chain. The latest episodes explore essential topics such as sustainability, the evolving roles of workers, and the automation of distribution […]

The Debate on Dark Stores

Article from MHI Solutions Magazine Are dark stores here to stay, or are they just a supply chain experiment spurred on by a singular event and destined to fizzle out? That’s a question grocery chains and other online retailers will […]

Rail System Electrification to Reach Net Zero

Article from MHI Solutions Magazine Electrification of rail transportation is one way to reduce greenhouse gases and meet the sustainability goals of regulators, rail industry members, manufacturers and customers. The call for rail electrification is spurred by growing interest in the reduction of emissions and mandates such as regulations […]

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