CEO Update: A Human Centered Approach to Technology Adoption

Article from MHI Solutions Magazine

Supply chain technology investment is growing, and it is empowering supply chain workers as they collaborate with these new technologies to create more resilient, transparent and data-driven operations.

Fifty-five percent of supply chain leaders are increasing their supply chain technology and innovation investments according to the survey results from the 2024 MHI Annual Industry Report, “The Collaborative Supply Chain: Tech-Forward and Human-Centric.” According to the report, of those increasing their investments, 88% said they are planning to spend over $1 million and 42% plan to spend over $10 million.

These investments in automation and other digital solutions like IoT, advanced analytics and AI arm supply chain workers with the tools they need to meet operational goals for speed, cost reduction, accuracy, improved visibility and customer service. These supply chains where human workers collaborate with technology can react in real time to changing conditions as they occur…

Read the full article in MHI Solutions Magazine
