ESG Metrics Begin Making Inroads in the Warehouse
Article from MHI Solutions Magazine
For 20 years, the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC) has conducted an annual benchmarking study of the key warehousing and distribution metrics operations professionals use day-to-day. Our purpose for producing the annual DC Measures Study and Report? To help improve warehousing practices by giving operators a tool to benchmark their own performance against others in the field—and to chart their own course of improvement.
Over those two decades, the report’s research team periodically focused on other topics likely to be of increasing interest to distribution center (DC) managers. The newest edition of DC Measures is no exception. This year, the team explored the application of Environmental, Social and Governance frameworks in warehousing. Conducting and reporting on the study are:
- Joe Tillman, WERC researcher and manager of education programs at SMC3
- Karl Manrodt, PhD, professor of logistics at Georgia College & State University
- Donnie Williams, PhD, associate professor and executive director of the Supply Chain Management Research Center at the University of Arkansas
“As companies evolve away from a focus on shareholders to stakeholders, there’s an increasing need to measure performance on more than just investor returns,” Manrodt explained. “Even the World Economic Forum noted that today’s companies need to be more than an economic unit that generates wealth. Rather, they must also measure how well they achieve their ESG objectives…
Read the full article in MHI Solutions Magazine