New Video on MHI View: A Deeper Dive into Aero-Robotics and Cycle Counts
As part of MHI’s ongoing video program, this new episode focuses on: A Deeper Dive into Aero-Robotics and Cycle Counts
In a previous episode, we explored how drones can be used indoors to track inventory through cycle counting. In this episode of MHI View, we cover some of the technological challenges and solutions related to deploying indoor drones for inventory management. View full video to learn three main technological challenges in navigation, power supply and safety when deploying indoor drones in your business.
MHI view episodes also focus on the following supply chain technologies:
–Inventory and network optimization tools
–Sensors and automatic identification
–Cloud computing and storage
–Robotics and automation
–Predictive analytics
-Wearable and mobile technology
-3D Printing
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