New Video on MHI View: Get Immediate ROI with Data Analysis

As part of MHI’s ongoing video program, this new episode focuses on: ROI with Data Analysis

Switching from manual to digital data management will bring immediate value in the analytics that are available. Although it takes a lot of time, money and effort to update legacy systems for the supply chain of tomorrow, it will be more than worth it in the short and long term. With multiple solutions available getting the infrastructure in place to start collecting and interpreting  your data can be a challenge, but the benefits of having all of your operational data on hand are almost immediate. Learn more about what’s possible with data analysis. View the full video to learn more.

MHI view episodes also focus on the following supply chain technologies:
–Inventory and network optimization tools
–Sensors and automatic identification
–Cloud computing and storage
–Robotics and automation
–Predictive analytics
-Wearable and mobile technology
-3D Printing

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