All posts tagged cybersecurity

Creating Resilient Supply Chains

By Mary Lou Jay for MHI Solutions Ever since the 2011 Japanese tsunami shut down much of Toyota’s parts and manufacturing capabilities, logistics managers have been looking more closely at the vulnerabilities in their own supply chains and searching for […]

Security & Supply Chain: How Secure is your Cloud Data?

by Sterling J. Scott, Marketing Communications Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_sterling With more and more businesses using cloud storage and cloud-based applications, there is a greater risk for cybersecurity threats. There are many businesses using highly-secured cloud services; however, there are many who […]

Shipping and the supply chain may be the next to face the threat of cyber attacks

by Carol Miller, MHI VP of Marketing and Communications U.S. maritime ports handle more than $1.3 trillion in cargo annually. The operations of these ports are supported by information and communication systems, which are susceptible to cyber-related threats. Failures in these […]

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