Student Days occurred at ProMat 2017 from April 5-6. The event allowed for academia and industry professionals to engage in real-world discussions about the technologies and the skill sets required for future influencers within the supply chain, material handling and logistics industry. There were over 200 […]
Guest blog by Lou Micheletto, Director of Integrated Solutions, MHI Member, Yale Materials Handling Corporation Today’s operations face an ever-changing, increasingly demanding world, with growing SKU counts, the desire for faster delivery times and a labor climate characterized by high turnover, […]
By Morgan Cruz, MHI Marketing Content Coordinator | @mhi_morgan I recently found this post on Instagram and had to share. If you’re like myself, you know that getting started in your career takes persistence, focus, and hard work but it can also be […]
By Alex Batty, MHI Marketing Communications Coordinator |@mhi_alex It’s a new year, so we thought we’d start out with a series that re-establishes what we are and what we can do for you. There is a lot that MHI is […]
by Morgan Cruz, Marketing Content Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_morgan You’ve probably heard someone mention “content marketing” but you have a fuzzy idea of what that means. If you feel like you should probably know this but are too embarrassed to ask, then this […]
Jefferson Davis is president of Competitive Edge, a highly-specialized consulting and training firm on a mission to inspire, lead and direct businesses on how to more effectively use exhibiting to visibly support core business objectives and generate measurable financial value, far […]