Keynotes that inform and inspire coming to MODEX 2024
As always, our upcoming MODEX exhibition will feature keynotes that deliver must-know information about the future of the supply chain industry. But, we’ve also revved up our lineup by reaching into the superhero realm for 2024.
When you attend MODEX 2024 in Atlanta this March, you can hear a keynote from Jeremy Renner! This Academy-Award-nominated actor played Clint Barton/Hawkeye in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Even more impressive than Renner’s Hollywood career, is his recent recovery from a brush with death. Learn more about Jeremy Renner and fellow MODEX keynotes below:
Bill Seward: March 11, 9 AM
As President of UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Bill Seward has great insight into both logistics and leadership. Join him to hear more about the growing trend of nearshoring and other emerging trends.
Gerd Leonhard: March 12, 9 AM
Is your company preparing for sustainability and the rise of artificial intelligence? If not, Gerd Leonhard, CEO of The Futures Agency, will help you envision how the future is unfolding. Attend his keynote that address AI, digitization, and decarbonization.
Jeremy Renner: March 13, 9 AM
From The Avengers, to Mission Impossible, to the Hurt Locker, Jeremy Renner has appeared in many blockbusters and critically acclaimed movies. What you might not know is that, in real life, this Avenger star rescued his nephew from a near-fatal snowplow accident. In his keynote, Renner will discuss how he recovered from the accident and started the docuseries Rennervations, which follows the actor fixing up vehicles for charities.
John Paxton: March 13, 1 PM
MHI CEO John Paxton will unveil the 2024 MHI Annual Industry report at his MODEX keynote. Developed in collaboration with Deloitte Consulting, the MHI Annual Industry Report captures the the impact of emerging innovations in supply chains. You still have the opportunity to help us shape this important report, we invite you to take our 2024 MHI Annual Industry Report Survey.
Register to Attend MODEX 2024
MODEX 2024 will be held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta March 11-14. MODEX will feature these keynotes, over 165 educational sessions and the manufacturing and supply chain solutions of more than 1,000 leading providers. Register for free to attend MODEX 2024.