Why Manufacturing Companies Should Invest in Branding

by Morgan Cruz, Marketing Content Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_morgan

It doesn’t matter what product you sell, the importance of the presentation of your brand can make a difference in profits across the board. For example, Forbes list’s Apple as #1 World’s Most Valuable Brand. Their brand and marketing strategy is all about clean, simple and modern presentation that makes the value Apple delivers easy for the consumer to see. No matter what industry you serve, let quality, service and skill be the backbone of your company and demonstrate that by creating and maintaining an engaging and consistent brand.

Here are some areas in branding worth your investment:

Strong successful branding starts with a solid logo. Similar to your name and personal style, a logo defines identity and character. Decide on your company’s ethics, values, personality and message and then consult with a professional graphic designer to convey this visually. An experienced graphic designer should be able to create a logo that evokes emotion, is timeless, simple and appropriately represents your brand. If it’s been a while since your logo was refreshed, take a look at a re-design.

Your website should be the face of your brand. Streamline your navigation and content to show only necessary information. Your customer should never have to hunt for answers. If the organization of your website is unclear, evaluate your user experience. Is it easy to navigate from one topic to the next? Does information flow clearly from a broad topic to more specific details?

Print Collateral
From business cards to signage, it is important to be consistent with your brand. Allow your consumer to recognize your brand by always including your logo and continuing with the same company color scheme. Also, stick to a uniform messaging to provide prospective clients and customers with a clear message of the value you deliver.

Social Media
Social media allows you to share your story and create a conversation with a target audience and network with other professionals within your industry. Storytelling is a great tool to show how your product or service adds value and solves problems. Join a network that works for your company such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, YouTube or Instagram and provide regular updates.

For more branding and marketing tips follow @mhi_morgan on twitter.
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