As part of MHI’s ongoing video program, this new episode focuses on: Sensors and Data Management Sensors are becoming more and more important in inventory management. But the data those sensors produce is quickly becoming the most important asset in […]
By MHI Industry Group, RMI (Rack Manufactures Institute) Storage racks designed to RMI’s ANSI MH16.1-2012: Specification for the Design, Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel Storage Racks provide excellent load-carrying properties, and will last for many years—or even decades—when properly […]
By Alex Batty, MHI Marketing Communications Coordinator |@mhi_alex Today is National Thrift Shop Day, and I was toodling around some thrift shop websites (because I like me a good thrift shop) to try and find a way to somehow tie […]
Content was pulled from MHI Solutions Magazine Q3.2018 It’s generally understood that the digital, “NextGen” supply chain will be the predominant way of operating in coming years. Still up for debate, however, is when that expectation will finally become reality. […]
The Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design at Virginia Tech is hosting a course on unit load design for pallet suppliers August 23-15, 2016 at the Brooks Forest Product Center. Through this course you will learn the following objectives. Objectives: • […]
In a just-awarded patent, Google outlined a strategy to ensure that autonomous and remote-controlled robots in a distribution center/warehouse facilities aren’t overloaded as they move materials and product. The patent outlines a series of robots that could be used in […]