Educational Opportunities

ProMat offers a lot for the industry and its providers. However, one of the most important things that it offers is the plethora of educational options.

This industry evolves and changes and  it is crucial to stay on top of new trends to keep your company going in the right direction.

Some of this year topics at ProMat include; sustainability, the people-side of the supply chain, security and automation. All of these topics are at the forefront of proactive business agendas.

Many of these are “hot topics” and people often lecture and write about them. The difference at ProMat is that attendees are encouraged to participate in these discussions – ask questions, make comments, find out how theories really work and how they can work for you. ProMat also offers the opportunity to talk to colleagues about how they are handling these issues and what steps they have taken to improve or change their business practices.

ProMat is truly an opportunity for you and your company to grow and improve. We strongly urge you to check out  all of sessions, speakers and tracks that are offered to get the most out of the show.

There is also a great tool called “My Show” where you can pick out the sessions, booths, speakers, etc… that you really want to see. It will generate a schedule for you to print off when you are visiting so you won’t miss anything!

So log into and make the most of your time at ProMat.
