“Jobs of Tomorrow”: Back to the Future of Robotics and Automation

For many adults working in robotics today, the advent of Star Wars was a seminal event. In the “Jobs of Tomorrow”: Back to Future of Robotics and Automation episode, Jim Lawton describes how he became hooked on robots the first time he saw R2-D2 in 1977. It’s a passion that has lasted a lifetime as Lawton is now VP & General Manager, Robotics Automation for Zebra Technologies.

In this “Jobs of Tomorrow” episode, Lawton and other leading manufacturers discuss how such technologies as autonomous guided vehicles can make warehousing and distribution center (DC) jobs safer for humans. Crystal Parrott, COO of Plus One Robotics, notes how robots can improve ergonomics for workers.

Additionally, Parrott discusses how robots can increase employee job satisfaction by assuming some of the more tedious picking and placing tasks. By reducing mental burnout, robots can help reduce job turnover– a problem the supply chain industry knows all too well.

Of course, you can’t discuss today’s robots without discussing artificial intelligence (AI). According to the experts interviewed for this episode, we’ve barely scratched the surface of AI capabilities! And yet, the pairing of robots and AI has already resulted in dramatic improvements to operations.

To learn more about the projected progress for robots and AI, watch the full episode on MHIview or Tubi. You can also view the entire “Jobs of Tomorrow” season 2 now.
