Sustainability Makes Good Business Sense, Say CSS Members

Article from MHI Solutions Magazine

Everyone is focusing on sustainability these days, including the manufacturers of conveyor and sortation systems. Members of MHI’s Conveyor and Sortation Systems (CSS) industry group are making their products—and operations—more sustainable. It’s good for all stakeholders, including their customers and end-users—as well as for the good of the planet overall.

MHI member Hytrol Conveyor Co. Inc. recognizes its responsibility to the environment in several ways, said Boyce Bonham, chief engineer. Hytrol is reducing its carbon footprint by improving the utilization of steel within its manufacturing operation, Bonham said. Moreover, not only is the company recycling all its process scrap, but it’s also reducing the amount of scrap altogether by altering its manufacturing processes. The amount of lumber used in product shipment has also been reduced through the standardization of pallet designs. He said, “This equates to less trees needed and less trees going to waste.”

The company is also mapping its supply chain to make optimal decisions on sources.

“When our supply chain can be closer to the point of utilization, this means lowering the carbon footprint required to get the product to our door,” Bonham said. “Through this effort, some of our components are coming from domestic sources rather than imported. Many of our suppliers are even located in the very region where they manufacture…

Read the full article in MHI Solutions Magazine
