All posts tagged career

Starting at a Startup

by Sterling J. Scott, Marketing Communications Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_sterling Young professionals in the business world have had exposure to technology and resources that other generations have not. This has resulted in new ways of thinking, solving problems, and communicating. Young […]

What if going to school guaranteed you a job?

by Sterling J. Scott, Marketing Communications Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_sterling Going to college guarantees people many things – an education, new experiences, new friends and colleagues, opportunities to grow as a person – but it doesn’t guarantee people jobs. Though going […]

Lights. Camera. Action! Supply Chain Careers in the Entertainment Industry

by Sterling J. Scott, Marketing Communications Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_sterling When most people think of careers in the entertainment industry, they think of actors and actresses, producers, directors, musicians, singers, athletes, managers, and agents. When most people think of careers in the […]

Keys to Success in the Multi-Gen Workplace

by Sterling J. Scott, Marketing Communications Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_sterling As a young professional chances are, you work in a multi-generational workplace. As a millennial, you were raised with computers and mobile technology; these things have helped shape your communication, decision-making, relationship-building, […]

The one thing that everyone needs, few ask for, and even fewer have

by Sterling J. Scott, Marketing Communications Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_sterling So you finally made it! You’ve graduated from high school. You’ve graduated from college. You’ve left your part-time job for your first full-time one. You’ve switched companies. Whatever you did, you’re excited […]

How to Make Your Relationship with Your Boss Work for You

by Morgan Cruz, Marketing Content Coordinator, MHI | @mhi_morgan Whether you are just starting your career or have been in management for years, most successful working relationships require the same thing: quality communication.  Mary Schaefer, former HR manager, coach, trainer and consultant […]

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